Research shows that laughing for 2 minutes is just as healthy as a 20 minute jog.
So, now I’m sitting in the park laughing at all the joggers.
Research shows that laughing for 2 minutes is just as healthy as a 20 minute jog.
So, now I’m sitting in the park laughing at all the joggers.
They set up a giant Scrabble game at the local park.
I was gonna join, but the Q was too big.
I bought my girlfriend a coffee by walking 8 blocks in -20° weather wearing just a t-shirt, all to prove a point.
It started when she claimed shiverry was dead.
I’m in search for someone to assist with milking cows on my dairy farm.
Must work well with udders.
My tax advisor told me to put something away for a rainy day.
I’ve bought an umbrella.
I just saw an ad for a wireless bra.
I gotta be honest, I never even knew they needed to be plugged in.
Dad Joke Time: You may have to think a moment to get this one… #Humor #dadjokes
I never thought laundry detergent could go bad.
But it seems the Tide has turned.
The person who handled customer transactions at the Chocolate Bank quit his job.
So the bank hired a Nutella.
I’m an expert at picking leaves and heating them in water.
It’s my special tea.
Why did the mechanic sleep under the car?
He wanted to wake up oily in the morning.
A new tennis player goes to the library and asks for books about aces.
“No way”, says the librarian, “You won’t return them”.
Congratulations to my friend who won a local Scrabble tournament.
He’s celebrating with a night on the tiles.