Cum am ajuns pe #Mastodon?
Enervat oarecum de restricțiile impuse de #SUA asupra #UE dar și pentru că nu aș da datele mele unor mari companii americane sa le folosească in statisticile lor și bazele de date, am căutat softuri alternative.
Astăzi folosesc #Vivaldi ca browser, #Qwant sau #Ecosia ca motoare de căutare, #DeepL în loc de #GoogleTranslate și #Mistral in loc de #ChatGPT. Așa am ajuns și pe Mastodon. Toate produse în țări UE!
Vă recomand:
Dus wat te doen met snel even iets vertalen?
Ik zocht via #duckduckgo en vond #deepl
DeepL is opgericht door Jaroslaw Kutylowski en wordt beheerd door DeepL SE in Keulen, Duitsland.
Sinds de lancering van DeepL Translator in augustus 2017 verbreekt DeepL steeds weer nieuwe records op het gebied van automatische vertaalkwaliteit.
DeepL Pro, uitgebracht in maart 2018, stelt abonnees in staat om de volledige capaciteit van de AI-vertaaltechnologie van DeepL te gebruiken.
Marcus 'ALB42' Sackrow's program AmiTranslate is an interface for the translation service DeepL with additional PDF and UTF-8 text storage and is available for AmigaOS, AmigaOS 4, AROS and MorphOS.
In version 0.5, the option of local translation of the AmiTranslate user interface has been added. Currently, the interface is only available in German. However, new languages can now be easily added:
@ivory suggestions: found myself in #ivory’s Settings menu (iOS/iPadOS) and wonder… if “Translate” could be added to the Behaviors/Short Right Swipe option list? and could toot #translation be done not through #googletranslate and possibly by someone else like #deepl (and even done inline similar to #mastodon’s first party app/website)?