In his will, Henry Kissinger, who died last year at the age of 100, requested a "monument" in his memory be erected in Arlington National Cemetery to mark the site where he is buried. According to his literary executor L. Paul Bremer, it's not happening. Bremer told @politico that the cemetery has tightened its rules on private markers and consequently "there will be a tombstone, a grave marker." The former secretary of state's will also reveals that he died a very rich man, with a personal fortune of at least $80 million, most of which will go to his wife, Nancy, and his family.
#biden mentioned #henrykissinger which is ok because it's not the internet. Because only extremely online weird people care about Kissinger.
lol god DAMN this is the entirety of the White House statement on the death of #henrykissinger.
This is about as close as I think you could get to Biden publicly saying "fuck that guy I'm glad he's dead."
A tortured and deadly legacy: Henry Kissinger and realpolitik in U.S. foreign policy.
@TheConversationUS reports: "When Kissinger entered government as Richard Nixon’s national security adviser, he espoused a narrow perspective of the national interest ... primarily centered on maximizing the economic and military power of the United States."
Never speak ill of the dead, only good.
For example "Henry Kissinger is dead, good"
My daughter snagged this screenshot before it changed. Enjoy
I feel like this kind of shaming works with 99.9% of the Old Bad People population but not Henry fucking Kissinger.
Turns out that he was
Today we remember #Sept11, the anniversary of a brutal attack on democracy for which #HenryKissinger has never been prosecuted.