Israeli Blockade Prevents 1 Million Children in Gaza From Meeting Basic Needs
Israeli Blockade Prevents 1 Million Children in Gaza From Meeting Basic Needs
Aussies are so complacent they don't even yawn as governments remove more and more of their basic rights, just to appease the Zionist lobby. #Australia #auspol #Zionazis #hasbara #Gaza #Palestine #genocide #Israel #Netanyahu #USA #Trump #warcriminals https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/mar/17/palestine-action-group-launch-legal-challenge-against-controversial-nsw-laws-restricting-protests-ntwnfb
Analysis: "US officials taking part in attacks on the ICC in defence of Israel are obstructing justice".
~Craig Mokhiber
The ICC could prosecute US officials & Israeli officials for obstruction of justice. Both Biden & Trump allowed Israel to act with impunity on Gaza & Palestine.
Trump's administration has also attacked the ICC - a crime under international law.
Analysis: "US officials taking part in attacks on the ICC in defence of Israel are obstructing justice".
~Craig Mokhiber
The ICC could prosecute US officials & Israeli officials for obstruction of justice. Both Biden & Trump allowed Israel to act with impunity on Gaza & Palestine.
Trump's administration has also attacked the ICC - a crime under international law.
Benyamin #Netanyahu vrea să comande mașini 🚗#Tesla pentru înalți funcționari 🇮🇱#Israelieni.
Președintele pentru partidul Reunirea Națională (RN, extrema dreaptă), Jordan Bardella, va face o vizită în 🇮🇱#Israel. Este un nou semn al apropierii guvernului #Netanyahu de dreapta populistă și extremă din 🌍#Europa.
#gaza #genocide #israel #warcrimes #violence #idf #netanyahu
#TheGuardian :
"Israeli attacks on Gaza maternity wards and IVF clinic ‘genocidal acts’, says UN.
Israeli forces have used sexual violence as weapon to ‘dominate and destroy’ Palestinian people, report also says"
Palestinians in Gaza are enduring the 12th day of Israel’s total #blockade, with no #food, #fuel or #medicine allowed in, as negotiations between Israel & #Hamas continue in #Doha.
#Israel #Palestine #MiddleEast #Genocide #EthnicCleansing #Palestinians #PalestinianLivesMatter #Politics #Egypt #Lebanon #Syria #Iraq #Iran #SaudiArabia #Qatar #USA #Zionism #BDS #Ceasefire #CeasefireNow #ArmsEmbargo #ArmsEmbargoNow #Netanyahu #BenjaminNetanyahu #FreeGaza #FreePalestine
In a heated speech on Thursday morning, Schumer argued for a new election in #Israel & the end of Netanyahu’s reign. Schumer said that he had “lost his way” & criticized him for fraternizing with far-right extremists
“Nobody expects PM #Netanyahu to do the things that must be done to break cycle of #violence, preserve Israel’s credibility on the world stage, & work towards a 2-state solution,” he said
#Trump #AIPAC #Politics #USpol #Palestine
#PrimMinistrulIsraelului #Netanyahu va face o vizită oficială în 🇭🇺#Ungaria în viitorul apropiat, anunță #Budapesta.
Mirror image of all the gentile fedi posts saying who is or isn't a Jew. The rhetorical overlap between the goofball left and the maniacal right about Jewishness is astounding.
"Donald #Trump labeled Sen. Chuck #Schumer (D-N.Y.) a "#Palestinian" during a strange meeting with #Irish #Taoiseach Michaél Martin on Wednesday afternoon.
"Schumer is a Palestinian, as far as I'm concerned," Trump stated, referencing Schumer's vocal opposition last year to the #Israeli regime that has bombarded the #Gaza Strip in an explosive act of retaliation since the #Hamas invasion of #Israel on Oct. 7, 2023.
Schumer himself is #Jewish, but, while he still supports the concept of Israel — which would make him a #Zionist — he doesn't support the administration of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, whom he accused of "turning away from a two-state solution" in a fiery Senate statement."
#Israel-Palestine / Will the two meet again in de Hague?
#Duterte visited #Israel in September 2018. Upon his arrival, he declared "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and I share the same passion for peace and for people." "We also share the fervor to not allow those who hold corrupt ideologies to destroy family," he added before meeting with #Netanyahu in Jerusalem. "In this respect, Israel can expect any help that the Philippines has to offer." Duterte added that he hopes the warm and friendly relations between Israel and the #Philippines will continue.
Prior to the visit, the former legal advisor to the Philippine government until Duterte's rise to power in 2016, Florin Hilbay, said in an interview with Kan 11 that Israel's decision to invite him was "regrettable" and "says a lot about Israel inviting someone who compared himself to Hitler." According to him, "Many thousands of Filipinos have already died as part of the war on drugs. Some say it has already reached 20,000, some say it's about 10,000. This is a serious violation of human rights and the decision to invite him says a lot about Israel."
In 2016, Duterte told shocked journalists in Manila "Hitler operated in Germany and the Philippines also needs one like him." "Hitler slaughtered three million Jews. In the Philippines there are three million drug users and I would also be happy to eliminate them." According to reports in the international press, during his visit to Israel, Duterte sought to increase weapons purchases, after the United States refused to supply weapons because of the blatant violations of human rights. Before coming to Israel, Duterte was even photographed with an Israeli-made Galil rifle in his hand.
Via https://zoha.org.il/135959/
Israel sold weapons to the Philippines following President Rodrigo Duterte’s visit, despite mounting international condemnation of his regime’s human rights abuses, including crimes against humanity linked to the “war on drugs.” The sales occurred both during and after the visit, with Israeli defense firms securing new contracts and fulfilling prior agreements for equipment used in operations that drew ICC scrutiny.
Despite these concerns, Israel maintained its weapons export relationship with the Philippines. Israeli lawyer Eitay Mack, who led legal challenges against these arms sales, stated: “I am sure that sooner or later the U.N. and the international community will announce that what Duterte is doing, is being responsible for crimes against humanity”.
The International Criminal Court’s Pre-Trial Chamber issued arrest warrants for #Netanyahu and #Gallant on November 21, 2024, following a six-month investigation that began with applications filed by #ICC Prosecutor Karim Khan on May 20, 2024. The three-judge panel unanimously determined there were “reasonable grounds to believe” that both officials were “co-perpetrators for committing the war crime of starvation as a method of warfare, and the crimes against humanity of murder, persecution, and other inhumane acts”. The court specifically accused Netanyahu and Gallant of “intentionally and knowingly” depriving Gaza’s civilian population of “objects indispensable to their survival, including food, water, and medicine and medical supplies, as well as fuel and electricity” during the period from October 8, 2023, to at least May 20, 2024.
Who would have guessed that the first head of government from the past decade who would be arrested for #humanrights #crimes wouldn't be #Putin, #Trump, #Netanyahu #MinAung #Myanmar or (one can dream) #Xi, but #Duterte #Philippines!
Hopefully (but unlikely), the start of a trend
'Back in January, the United Nations reported that only 16 of the region’s 36 hospitals remain partially operational and over 1,000 healthcare workers have been killed.
This new report from Physicians for Human Rights Israel seems to indicate that detention is being used to further weaken the healthcare system.' #Zionazis #hasbara #Palestine #genocide #Israel #Netanyahu #USA #Trump #warcriminals #crimesagainsthumanity https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/new-report-highlights-torture-of-detained-healthcare-workers-in-palestine,19500
OPINIE: De ce 🇮🇱#Israelul lui #Netanyahu se împrietenește cu extrema dreaptă antisemită din 🌍#Europa? Ei pretind că „iubesc” 🇮🇱#Israelul, dar îi urăsc pe evrei. Și în ciuda acestui fapt, 📜#MinisterulDeExterne al 🇮🇱#Israelului încearcă să se împrietenească.
Universitățile 🇮🇱#Israeliene amenință cu greva dacă #PrimMinistrul #Netanyahu o va înlătura pe procuroarea generală Gali Baharav-Miara.
Analysis: Netanyahu "is not interested in the reconstruction of Gaza or any kind of Palestinian or Arab control of Gaza."
He wants "to resume the war, with the stated goal of annihilating Hamas... even though it means essentially killing all the remaining hostages."
"It allows him to maintain his grip on power."
~Eran Etzion, fmr dep head, Israel’s National Security Council
#netanyahu #Trump #CeasefireDeal #GazaReconstruction #USPol .
Analysis: Netanyahu "is not interested in the reconstruction of Gaza or any kind of Palestinian or Arab control of Gaza."
He wants "to resume the war, with the stated goal of annihilating Hamas... even though it means essentially killing all the remaining hostages."
"It allows him to maintain his grip on power."
~Eran Etzion, fmr dep head, Israel’s National Security Council
#netanyahu #Trump #CeasefireDeal #GazaReconstruction #USPol .
Analysis: Netanyahu "is acting in direct contradiction to the will of his own people, & he’s doing it for political, personal, & sometimes criminal interests.”
"The clear will’ of more than 70% of Israelis for ceasefire to survive."
~Eran Etzion, former deputy head of Israel’s National Security Council
Jonatan Urich, a media advisor to Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, is reportedly the main suspect in the investigation between the Prime Minister's Office and Qatar — J Post
#Rechtsstaat #Demokratie #PolitikImRechtsstaat #Merz #Netanyahu #IStGH #ICC #DarfDasPolitik
Wie ist das mit #Merz' Aussage, dass "es nicht sein könne", dass der israelische Ministerpräsident verhaftet wird, wenn er Deutschland besucht, nur weil der Internationale Strafgerichtshof (IStGH oder englisch ICC) einen Haftbefehl erlassen hat? "Es kann nicht sein" ist zwar kein Argument. Aber vielleicht gibt es ja doch eins?
Disclaimer: dazu, ob Netanyahu vom IStGH zu Recht verfolgt wird, kann ich nicht qualifiziert Stellung nehmen – deshalb tue ich dies hier auch nicht. Auch am IStGH kann man freigesprochen werden. Eine Anklage ist noch keine Verurteilung.
Warnung: es wird jetzt etwas kompliziert und am Ende könnte - typisch internationales Recht - ein wachsweiches Ergebnis stehen. Und wenn ich es hier sehr vereinfacht darstelle, mögen mir Völkerrechtler*innen das bitte verzeihen.
Der IStGH soll bestimmte, extrem schwere Verbrechen (v.a. Völkermord, Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit, Kriegsverbrechen und Angriffskrieg) überall verfolgen. Angeklagt werden Menschen, nicht Staaten. Meist kommt es erst dann zum Prozess, wenn die Personen nicht mehr an der Macht sind, weil die Staaten sie bis dahin schützen. Für die Opfer ist es dann zu spät.
Deshalb will der IStGH auch amtierende Regierungsverantwortliche vor Gericht stellen. In der Regel sind Regierungsmitglieder/Abgeordnete zwar vor Strafverfolgung geschützt, solange sie im Amt sind, es sei denn das Parlament hebt diese Immunität auf. Lt. Art. 27 Abs. 2 Rom-Statut (quasi das Gesetz zum IStGH) soll Immunität vor dem IStGH aber nicht gelten. Nur ist streitig, ob das auch für Vertreter von Ländern gilt, die den IStGH gar nicht anerkennen.
Und das ist ein Problem: denn jeder Staat entscheidet für sich, ob er Urteile des IStGH anerkennen will oder nicht. Alle EU-Länder – auch Deutschland – haben sich (wie insgesamt gut 120 von über 200 Ländern) dafür entschieden, indem sie dem sog. Rom-Statut beigetreten sind. Nicht dabei sind aber u.a. Russland, China, die USA und Israel. Trump hat die Richter*innen des IStGH sogar mit Sanktionen belegt.
Der IStGH will trotzdem die o.g. Verbrechen auf der ganzen Welt verfolgen: kein staatlicher Massenmörder soll sich sicher fühlen können. Dazu erlässt der IStGH Haftbefehle auch gegen Politiker aus Ländern, die ihn nicht anerkennen, damit sie z.B. auf Reisen in Ländern verhaftet werden können, die den IStGH anerkannt haben. So wäre die Ausgangslage, wenn Netanyahu nach Deutschland kommt.
Für die Bundesregierung wäre das ein Dilemma: nach dem Rom-Statut müsste sie den IStGH-Haftbefehl grundsätzlich vollstrecken. Aber natürlich wäre das aus Sicht Israels ein Skandal, wenn der amtierende Ministerpräsident – noch dazu in Deutschland – verhaftet und an ein Gericht ausgeliefert würde, das Israel gar nicht anerkennt.
In der internationalen Politik kann man sich die Menschen und Staaten, mit denen man verhandeln muss, nicht aussuchen. Deshalb sagen manche Völkerrechtler*innen, dass Staaten IStGH-Haftbefehle nicht vollstrecken müssten, wenn die Regierung sonst in der internationalen Politik zu sehr eingeschränkt würde, v.a. kleine Länder gegenüber sehr mächtigen Ländern.
Der IStGH selbst hat das schon anders entschieden und z.B. Jordanien eine Verletzung des Rom-Statuts vorgeworfen, weil es den Regierungschef eines Landes, das den IStGH nicht anerkennt, bei dessen Besuch nicht verhaftet hat. Argument: das Interesse der ganzen Welt, Völkermord u.ä. zu verhindern, sei allgemeiner Konsens und gehe allem anderen vor. Die Rüge hatte aber keine weiteren Folgen für Jordanien, weil der IStGH keine Macht über Regierungen hat, auch nicht, wenn sie ihn anerkannt haben.
Was folgt daraus? Darauf gibt es eine rechtliche, eine praktische und eine politische Antwort.
Rechtlich: Merz wäre – nach Ansicht des IStGH - als Regierungschef gem. Rom-Statut wohl verpflichtet, Netanyahu in Deutschland verhaften und an den IStGH ausliefern zu lassen. Es gibt Völkerrechtler*innen, die das anders sehen.
Praktisch: Merz könnte sich darüber hinwegsetzen, ohne persönlich oder für die Bundesrepublik konkrete Folgen fürchten zu müssen.
Politisch: Merz würde, wenn er Netanyahu gezielt einlädt und nicht verhaften lässt, wohl dem internationalen Recht schaden. Denn es würde für alle sichtbar: Merz stellt seine Wertung über das Urteil des zuständigen Gerichts.
Das schiene mir ganz allgemein im Rechtsstaat problematisch.
Deshalb würden es wohl viele Politiker vorziehen, solche Situationen zu vermeiden und Netanyahu in Israel oder auf neutralem Boden treffen. Dort könnte Merz mit ihm sprechen, ganz im Einklang mit dem (internationalen) Recht.
Zur Vertiefung:
Hiéramente, jurisPR-StrafR 7/2023 Anm. 1
Hoven, ZIS 2011, 230-239
Zum IStGH allgemein:
»The Real Winners of #Germany's Elections? The Far Right – and #Israel's #Netanyahu Government«
»While the world's attention will be on the shock of a fifth of Germans supporting the far-right #AfD, the Netanyahu government's focus will be on who they'll be doing business with: the center-right Christian Democrats« #CDU #Merz #Bundestagswahl2025
Friedrich Merz ar urma să-l invite pe #Netanyahu în 🇩🇪#Germania, în pofida mandatului internațional de arestare împotriva acestuia.
Gideon Levy über das extreme Anwachsen von verhetzender Sprache vom MP #Netanyahu bis tief in die Gesellschaft hinein, die sowohl die Schwäche der eigenen Argumente kompensieren soll und gleichzeitig die nächsten umfangreichen Kriegsverbechen vorbereitet.
»Netanyahu's Violent Discourse Sows the Israeli Army's War Crimes of the Future« #Gaza #Israel