Ello sweet and lovely Friendos 💜
I always love interacting with new like-minded people. My biggest issue... I'm unsure of how to interact with them at first! 🫣 Which makes it very challenging to "meet" new people online that could become part of my Friendos...
For those new to this account and my silly way of writing: Friendos is a word that I use with love and affection! I wrote a Toot a while ago in which I explained the term, so I'll link that here, as I don't have the spoons to explain again...
As I wrote in my introductions, yes I made two and I think I pinned both, I'm Actually Autistic, I'm very ADHD, I battle with depression and anxiety, I may have some slight forms of OCD and PTSD, as I struggle with aspects from both... And then there's physical issues that bother me as well...
I would love to chat more, when I have the spoons, with people who, like me, are "weirdos". I'm a bit of a nerd, but not into the details... Not smart enough for that...
I love to chat about health issues, about my dog, about my journey through life, about music, TV things and gaming...
I do struggle at times with the whole "social" aspect of the social media. Either I babble so much that you are exhausted when I'm done... Or I just read and like your toots. I occasionally boost toots. But not that often as I probably should? 🤔
I have several other accounts that I use, and also occasionally boost things from. But this is my main account at the moment.
Put Beige master blessed us with something like 11001 characters to work with! I've never used them all, but I'm known to write longer posts. I enjoy using emojis as I feel they help me express myself. I try not to use them too much, as I don't want to make people that need a teen readers go insane over my toots....
I try to use CW when I feel that things may be triggering. I don't CW my selfies anymore, but I do tag them with the hashtag EyeContact and Selfie. So hopefully these can help folks to filter my selfies from their time lines. (I've tooted about eye contact selfies and this was what was suggested to me by kind people who voted/replied).
I'm mostly active during my countries night time. I'm a night owl with a different routine than most. But this works best for me, so I always mention it to others, so they know. I'm in the Netherlands, so that's UTC+2, according to the interwebs.
I have moved house two months ago. A new town. A new start with everything new, routine wise. It's been a huge challenge, and it still is... So I still Toot about that a lot too.
I have a chocolate brown Labrador gall, Arwen, who turned 11 in July. She's a topic of many toots as well. I occasionally share videos of her here. Sometimes snaps, which I also share on my
Pixelfed (and then boost here).
I write for my own blog, which is mostly about me and my journey of life. My site van be found here: https://cynnisblog.wordpress.com/
So yeah... I share loads! And I love to share experiences. I love to learn new things about topics I'm interested in. And I like to "meet" new people who are kinda like me and would love to share timelines with me. 😊
Guess this is a sort of #Introduction Toot that wasn't intended as one, nor was it written like the usual ones. Guess that kinda sums me up a bit. Unusual 
I'll end the Toot with my usual emojis and hashtag and then I'll add some more tags to maybe be able to connect with more "weirdos" like me! 
🧚🏼♀️ 🍀 💜 🐾
Extra tags (in no particular order) :
#ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD #NeuroSpicy 🌶 #Labradorable #Labrador #Walking #Nature #PixysSnaps #Gaming #Photography #TV #Blog #ChronicallyIll #Fibromyalgia #Fitness #Hypermobility #WeightJourney #Routine #NightOwl
#EyeContact in attached #Selfie