Pigeon Point Lighthouse, #California
#MeerMittwoch #photography #seascape #lighthouse #Pacific #landscapephotography
Pigeon Point Lighthouse, #California
#MeerMittwoch #photography #seascape #lighthouse #Pacific #landscapephotography
View from the coastal section of Redwood National and State Parks. Seemingly overnight the driftwood has been washed away. Many stretches of the beach are now covered with rocks, not sand. Learn more about the park at https://www.nps.gov/redw/index.htm and #nps #nationalparks #ocean #publiclands #photography #landscapephotography #coast #pacific #redwood Image credit Kurt Angersbach / Westernlabs #driftwood #waves #tide
Moonstone Beach
#MeerMittwoch #photography #seascape #beach #California #Pacific
"The general position of the Taiwanese government has been that the defense of #Ukraine is more a harbinger of what's to come in the #Pacific than it is a distraction." https://www.liberalcurrents.com/neonliberalism/neon-liberalism-14-a-turn-toward-taiwan/
The Australian Govt has given Greenpeace the coordinates of a NZ bottom trawler’s coral destruction in International Waters in the South Pacific that the NZ Govt refused to reveal.
Greenpeace will head out next week to document the damage and survey the life on seamounts there in the Lorde Howe Rise area.
https://www.greenpeace.org/aotearoa/press-release/greenpeace-obtains-coordinates-of-coral-destruction-nz-government-refused-to-reveal/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=nickofnz #NZPol #auspol #pacific #coral #Fishing #ocean
Secret Beach, northern #California
Trinidad, Northern #California
#MeerMittwoch #photography #seascape #pacific #beach #longexposure
Whales have been given legal 'personhood' by Māori and Pacific leaders. So what's next? https://www.abc.net.au/pacific/whales-given-legal-personhood-by-pacific-leaders/103681180 #nzpol #nzlaw #Pacific #rightsofnature
Trinidad, Northern #California
“They say it has no memory. That's where I want to live the rest of my life. A warm place with no memory”
#MeerMittwoch #photography #sunset #SanDiego #California #Pacific
#Fotografie #fotografia #foto #photo #photography #photographie #fotograaf #BlackAndWhite #potd #alttext #blackandwhitephotography #travel #travelphotography #blancetnoir #sea #camelCase #schwarzweiss #ocean #schwarzweiß #blancoynegro #sport #photooftheday #surfing #surf
#schwarzweissfotografie #pacific
#PhotoOfTheDay is of absolutely beautiful blue-green wave color on the south shore of the Big Island of Hawaii. This is the southernmost point in the 50 states of the US, at something like N18º 54'... If you go straight south from here, in the direction of the photo, other than the occasional island there's nothing but ocean until you reach Antarctica about 6,500 miles away.
#photo #photography #Hawaii #Pacific #Coast
American #sunset. Many of us aspired to make it a better place but sadly not enough.
#Biden interzice forajele offshore pe o zonă vastă a 🇺🇸#SUA, ce acoperă întreaga coastă a 🌊#Atlanticului și estul Golfului 🇲🇽#Mexic, precum și coasta 🌊#Pacificului din #California, #Oregon și #Washington și o secțiune a Mării Bering din #Alaska.
🇺🇸#SUA. Joe #Biden interzice deschiderea de noi foraje petroliere pe o suprafață de aproape 250 de milioane de hectare din 🌊#Atlantic și 🌊#Pacific, în baza unei legii prin care viitorii președinți nu pot revoca decizia.
Red Cross trains youth on climate preparedness
The International Federation of Red Cross has been training young people in the Pacific, including Fiji, to equip them with the skills to manage community-based programs focused on climate adaptation
#Pacific #Fiji #ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #IrreversibleOverheating #GlobalBurning #ClimateDestruction #ClimateSuicide #MassExtinction #pollution #ecology #environment #climate
Buildings are flattened as 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes near Vanuatu's capital Port Vila
@BBCNews reports: "There are unconfirmed reports of deaths but the full extent of the damage remains unclear, as power and mobile networks across the country remain cut off."
„În prima secundă, mi-am dat seama că mă uitam la ceva unic”: Cel mai mare coral din lume, mai mare decât o balenă albastră, a fost descoperit în sudul 🌊#Pacificului.