The Firstborn is _obsessed_ with unloading our dishwasher. But, he can’t reach most of the dishes. So the process usually goes
1: Parent pulls dish out
2: Firstborn takes dish on a little walk
3: Parent puts the dish away
The Firstborn is _obsessed_ with unloading our dishwasher. But, he can’t reach most of the dishes. So the process usually goes
1: Parent pulls dish out
2: Firstborn takes dish on a little walk
3: Parent puts the dish away
This #parenting practice came back to bite me when I discovered that the taekwondo lessons were teaching my youngest how to hit really, REALLY hard.
The U.K.'s Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) has backed a total ban on smacking children. Currently, it is totally illegal in Scotland and Wales, but unlawful in England and Northern Ireland except in cases where it amounts to a "reasonable punishment" — a distinction the RCPCH says shouldn't exist. Prof Andrew Rowland, RCPCH officer for child protection, told @BBCNews: "Now is the time for this Victorian-era punishment to go."
Newly confirmed Education Secretary Linda McMahon has released her "final mission" for the Department of Education, potentially setting the stage for the agency's dismantling. In a document posted to the department's website, she stated that parents are the primary decision makers in their children's education, that taxpayer-funded education should focus on math, reading, science and history "not divisive DE programs and gender ideology," and that postsecondary education should be "a path to a well-paying career aligned with workforce needs." Here's the story from @abc. Find McMahon's full statement at the second link.
#USPolitics #TrumpAdministration #Education #LindaMcMahon #USEducation #Schools #Parenting
Illinois Has Virtually No Homeschooling Rules. A New Bill Aims to Change That.
Following a ProPublica and Capitol News Illinois investigation, an Illinois lawmaker introduced legislation that aims to protect homeschooled students from abuse or neglect.
#News #Illinois #Homeschool #Education #Children #Parenting #Law
Random life update. This w/e I had the honor to accompany one of my teens on piano (they were on solo instrument). I used to perform piano competitively as a teen. I struggled a lot with #perfectionism, couldn’t ever come to terms with it & gave up piano in college to ultimately pursue med school (yeah, I know…). This was my first time to play piano publicly in decades. I was terrified I was going to mess up and ruin my kid’s performance. Then I saw their music and they’d written one big word for themself at the top - “BREATHE”. I realized how much better it could be to consciously choose to focus on the breath, and #joy of creating music together instead of the fear of mistakes ❤️ We had a wonderful experience 🎶
Pretty sure this is a confession regarding his own #parenting.
#ElonMusk Develops #AI #Parenting Algorithm That Sends 'Busy' Texts
#isGlitch #tech #techNews #bigTech #technology #artificalIntelligence
Current status: chasing The Firstborn around the house with a castanet 🦀
Oh man. Things are really out of control.
My 4yo just informed me his stuffed pteranodon isn’t feeling well; he has bird flu.
I have said this before, but once more with feeling: where are the parenting guides for ADHD/autistic parents?
Like, no one thinks they exist?
Or is it just a "deal with it" situation?
Or something else?...
Do you remember the word game, “BOGGLE?” When my kids were little, our family had a rule that if you could define a word, you could keep the points. When my middle daughter was six years old, she played “HWUUH.”
When asked what it meant, she looked me dead in the eye and said, “HWUUH! You know—the sound you make when you pick up something heavy.” After I stopped laughing, she got her points.
In my experience, young children know that empathy and competing are incompatible with each other.
It's us adults, in our ignorance, who make them do it anyway & condition them to become blind to the hypocrisy.
#Competing #empathy #capitalism #inequality #losers #winners #children #parenting #education
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness - Jonathan Haidt.
#KindleStore #Parenting #Teenagers #MentalIllness #StressManagement
#Anxious #Childhood #Epidemic
Teaching the 4yo correct names for body parts has some drawbacks.
(Adding buttons to a gingerbread man in an online counting game):
"I'll give him an extra nose"
"And an extra penis"
The little one watched and copied, because that is how they learn: they observe, and imitate.
And when we adults, their parents and family, their first and lifelong teachers, their protectors and watchers, live and do good things ourselves, we teach them the value of doing good things.
That's the legacy we pass on.
Into the Surf canvas print --
#family #love #parenting #sea #art #artwork #mastoart #fediart #buyintoart #oregon #colorful #child #girl #teaching #life
Health secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told the U.S. Senate during his confirmation hearings that he would not change America's childhood vaccination schedule. Now, he's vowed to investigate it, telling thousands of U.S. Health and Human Services agency employees: "Nothing is going to be off limits." Here's more from @AssociatedPress.
#Health #USPolitics #RFKJr #Vaccination #Measles #Children #Parenting
Unfollowing folks praising Vance for traveling with kids as a humble act of #parenting while loudly ignoring the last VP was called ‘Momala’ by her step-children and praised by the ex-wife of her husband for her support in raising their kids together.
I see you absurd person.
Feel seen.
From: Unofficial ABC News Bot
'What's wrong with her?': How to answer kids' questions about disability #PeopleWithDisability #Disabilities #Parenting #Children
It shouldn't be a radical act to take my daughter to a STEM night, but I guess the fucking fascists want it to be. 🙄
Either way, I'm holding onto something that one of my favorite musicians and songwriters said recently from the stage. He ended this appropriate sentiment with "Now go fuck some shit up!"
We gotta get rid of a few oligarchs before we can get to this new beautiful place.
#SturgillSimpson #DadLife #STEM #AntifaAF #Parenting #GirlDad
New Comic Strip Found: Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for Wed, 12 Feb 2025
#goodnews #kids #play #fun #learning #parenting #education #family #nature #Netherlands
Dutch Bring Back Risky Play–Parks Where Kids Climb, Sword-fight with Sticks and Build with Hammers
My youngest is learning 3D modeling in OnShape. We drew up a platform for his loft bed. We built, painted, and installed it yesterday. He is very proud of it and I'm very proud of him.
I’m 55.55% certain (i.e. 5/9 or 5-4 decision)…since my 5th grader is going through fractions and decimal conversions this month.
Ask me anything.
My 12yo daughter has taken to locking herself in her room. I expect to see her emerge in 6 years or so. #soloDad #parenting