I'm a watercolour and linoprint artist inspired by nature.
I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands and find most of my nature treasures during my walks at the Amsterdam Forest
#artvsartist #woodenpanel #papermounted #watercolor #woodmouse #birdsnest #nest #butterfly #bird #greattit #bumblebee #bee #honeybee #foundtreasures #inspirationalwalk #forest #forestwalk #inspiredbynature #nature #protectnature #melissahalley
✨ Bonjour à tous !
J'espère que malgré ces actualités totalement folles, vous vous portez bien...
✨ Pour vous rebooster, voici une aquarelle de Martin pêcheur réalisée l'année dernière... Des tirages sont encore disponibles ici ⤵️
#oiseaux #painting #birds #bird #birdwatching #birdlovers #protectnature #biodiversite #biodiversity #ecology #ornithology #ornithologie #MartinPecheur #aquarelle #EspècesMenacées #MastoArt #sciart #artiste #shopsmall #birdartist
'layers of life'
#LoveTrees #ClimateChange #ProtectNature #MastoArt #DigitalArt #WaterColour #AbstractArt #Krita
A gold rush for ‘green finance’ risks changing our relationship to nature
#Environment #GreenFinance #NatureCommodification #ClimateChange #Biodiversity #Sustainability #Inequality #CarbonMarkets #NatureRecovery #EnvironmentalEthics #ProtectNature
'oblique refraction'
#LoveTrees #ProtectNature #AbstractArt #Krita #MastoArt #WaterColour
I was invited to go on a #flotilla #protest led by #IndigenousChiefs & leaders from the North Island in late 2019 - we went in March of 2020. To stop 2 open net fish farms, in the #DiscoveryIslands archipelago, from restocking their pens. These fish farms are remote & they don't want public to access them. No restocking was able to happen on day we went on flotilla protest & patrol.
I've been a part of the battle here to get #FishFarmsOut for over a decade. There's finally some progress but we need to still keep up the pressure on federal & provincial governments.
#SaveWildSalmon because they're a #KeystoneSpecies & if we lose them, it sets off chain reactions in both #ocean & #OldGrowthForest #ecosystems. Wild salmon are extremely important to the Indigenous peoples of BC & the fight to protect them goes back decades.
Always put #WildFirst ✊️
#ProtectTheWild #WildSalmonAlliance #NoLicenseRenewal #FloatingViruses #Frankenfish #Environmentalist #Ecological #Activism #DirectAction #OneEarth #OceanGuardians #SalmonGuardians #SalmonPeople #StandUpForSalmon #BoycottFarmedSalmon #SayNoToFarmedSalmon #CDNpoli #BCpoli #BritishColumbia #Cascadia #PacificNorthwest #BCcoast #CoastalBC #Westcoast #Oceans #DemandMPAs #PNW #Activist #ProtectNature
I'm the happiest & feel most at home, when in midst of nature. I talk to more trees, plants, fungi & wildlife than I talk to humans. It's a personal choice. I love nature very much. I do my best to try to protect what I love the most in the world. I believe we should always do our personal best to protect what we love most in this shared world.
We can't really fail, when we try our best to protect what we love ❤️💚❤️💚
#Environmentalist #AsianMastodon #LiveByYourValues #ProtectNature #NatureGuardians #Ecological #WildFirst #ProtectTheWild #VancouverIsland #monochrome #Forest #hiking #DisabledHiker #monochrome #Activist #FightForWhatYouLove
Mossy trees, in coastal temperate rainforest, by a quiet, isolated spot beside a lovely fish bearing creek. The air smells amazing in this natural environment 💚
#BackroadAdventures #VancouverIsland #nature #PacificNorthwest #ProtectTheWild #forest #VanIsle #Cascadia #ProtectNature #ecosystem #Ecology
This is not progress.
This is not civilized.
We need to protect remaining #OldGrowth #AncientForests. They're our 2nd largest #CarbonSinks - after the giant kelp forests in the oceans. #Clearcutting forests should be banned.
#WorthMoreStanding #SaveOldGrowth #StopDeforestation #StopEcocide #StopClearcuts #BritishColumbia #VancouverIsland #BCNDP #BCNewDeathParty #BCNDPLegacyoOfDeath #Ecocide #PacificNorthwest #photography #WorldInMyEyes #DisabledPhotographer #Backroads #VanIsle #Cascadia #PNW #Stumps #ProtectNature #ProtectForests #environmental #ClimateAction #CorporateGreed #GreedKills #HumanDestruction
'flora deviation'
#ProtectNature #ClimateChange
#AbstractArt #Watercolour #MastoArt #Krita
Please join us! Volunteers & donations are always welcomed 🙌
#ClayoquotAction is a Tofino-based #conservation society committed to protecting the #biocultural diversity of #ClayoquotSound. Our goals are accomplished through public education, citizen research and monitoring, and advocacy. Clayoquot Action stands for #democratic rights, #IndigenousRights and the #RightsOfMotherEarth.
The Clayoquot Action vision is simple: to keep Clayoquot Sound clean and green for future generations, to preserve the #biodiversity and integrity of the #ecosystems, and to maintain and develop #community and #cultural richness.
Learn more & sign up:
#VancouverIsland #GetInvolved #Environmental #EcoJustice #VanIsle #PacificNorthwest #Cascadia #BritishColumbia #Canada #Nonprofit #PNW #SaveWildSalmon #WildFirst #ProtectNature