My retro gift to YWAM Liverpool's former high scorer.....
#gaming #retrogaming #games #retrogames #retrogamer #gamer #irishgamer #arcade #nintendo #donkeykong
#retro #retrogame #retrogames
The Bards Tale remastered, I love it!
Columbia House: Take 2 CD-ROMs for $9.95 each. Plus 1 more at great savings!
Source: Electronic Entertainment 15 (March 1995)
Scan Source: RetroMags
I finished Brutal Wolfenstein tonight please check out my #Twitch stream saved to Youtube :
#BrutalWolfenstein #Doom #Doom2 #GZDoom #BoomerShooter #FirstPersonShooter #RetroGaming #RetroGames
New video of Mortal Kombat, work in progress game for #AtariJaguar console #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
2014 Unknown
Status: Preview, Findability: 2/5
Coding: DĂ©v, Attila Borsanyi
Graphics: Antal, Dávid Vigh, Dév
Sound: OneByteMuzik, Mihály Horváth
Like this #meme? Try the #stream!
#marioday #mar10 #Mario #gaming #Nintendo #fun #retro #RetroGames #retrogaming #80s
Like this #meme? Try the #stream!
#marioday #mar10 #Mario #gaming #Nintendo #fun #retro #RetroGames #retrogaming #80s
8th March was the International Women's Day 🥳
Here at #RebelToolbox , we value all women all year round irrespective of how they were born: cis-women, LGBTQIA+, and of course those who are still deciding.
Get to know us in our monthly community event tomorrow (11 March) at 16:00 UTC 🙂
If you're shy, just keep your camera off.
ps. We don't tolerate bullies.
#RebelEngine #FOSSGameEngine #gamedev #game #developer #enginedev #audiogame #visualnovel #RetroGames
Now available firmware v2.0.1.3 for Atari 2600+ console with new simplified update tool #atari2600 #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Sprite Studio 64
Native sprite editor for Commodore 64. Pocket knife among sprite editors.
It’s #InternationalWomensDay2025 and what better way to celebrate than by helping #laracroft find the final piece of the Scion in #TombRaiderRemastered #videogames #gaming #livestream #youtube #retrogames
I'm looking for a new home on the fediverse that would not mind badly written haiku, translation, #redpanda technology, #retrogames .
Preferably some place I can take my posts with me as the ones here will soon be lost to time. Does that limit me to Misskey or Sharkey?
Potentially one that is not hosted in the US.
Boosts and suggestions welcome.
This would have been a #Twitch stream but when I normally go live the internet was down so I decided to record it and then upload it directly to Youtube so here is episode 6 of Brutal Wolfenstein.
#BrutalWolfenstein #Doom #Doom2 #GZDoom #BoomerShooter #FirstPersonShooter #retrogaming #RetroGames
Am Sonntag, dem 23. März 2025, findet die 9. Retrogames Börse in Berlin statt. Erscheint zahlreich im Bildungs- und Kulturzentrum Peter Edel in Pankow-Weißensee!
Über's Teilen des Tröts würde ich mich freuen.
FĂĽr weitere Infos:
#retrogames #berlin #retrogamesbörse
Atario Bro, a work in progress platformer for #Atari8bit computers inspired by Super Mario Bros #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Ultima V work in progress game for #Atari8bit computers has a nice soundtrack thanks to this music engine #atari #retrogames #retrogaming #rpg
Sinerunner #Atari2600 new game inspired Thomas Jentzsch to greatly improve resolution of the sine waves #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Now available Block'Em Sock'Em by The Immortal John Hancock for #Atari5200 console #atari #atari8bit #retrogames #retrogaming
Located at the Seattle airport, Sky Gamerz is a bar where visitors can enjoy eating while having access to an array of Atari 2600+ consoles for gaming. @atari #atari #retrogames #retrogaming #atari2600
I’m back in #TombRaiderRemastered where #laracroft finally solves the puzzles of Khamoon. #videogames #gaming #retrogames #letsplay #youtube
Wings of Death, upcoming game for #AtariJaguar console #atari #retrogames #retrogaming
Rightris, Drone Attack, Fighttris, Jet Propulsion, Sea Control and Wood of Despair, new #Atari2600 games coded in two months with batariBasic #atari #retrogames #retrogaming