Haus, Herd, Kinder, Kirche – so sah die Welt von Tia als #Tradwife aus. Heute warnt sie vor der Hausfrauenbewegung, auch, weil diese politisch immer mehr Einfluss gewinnt.
Rs give women no choice in some🩸states:
They ran afoul of the #tradwife obsession that motivates the TX R Party. She was turned away at the hospital -anti-abortion #tradwife mvt calls a “fetal heartbeat” (reality -not yet a heart).
While many in the mvt argue -just trying to “save (unborn) lives,” their behavior exposes a more sinister... Goal: disempower #women +elevate the role & power of men: home/work... must be devoted to serving their husbands’ every need.
Of course that #tradwife who used racial slurs went to #LibertyUniversity
I wouldn't be surprised if racial slurs were offered as an introductory course there to freshmen
“#TradWife” #Influencer Gets #Fired After #Black #Boss Sees #Video Of Her Using #RacialSlurs, denigrating her coworkers.
#LillyGaddis used the #Nword and made #antisemitic #remarks.
#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Conservatives #Extremism #Fascism #Religion #Hategroups #RepublicanParty #Hate #Bigotry #Discrimination #AntiSemitism #Homophobia #Misogyny #Racism #Transphobia #WhiteSupremacy #Xenophobia #ThePartyOfHate #EmptyThePews #BlackMastodon