Nice to see Vivaldi in the Mercedes-Benz CLA. All the cool cars get Vivaldi.
#Vivaldi #browser #Mercedes #Cars #Technology @Vivaldi #automotive
Nice to see Vivaldi in the Mercedes-Benz CLA. All the cool cars get Vivaldi.
#Vivaldi #browser #Mercedes #Cars #Technology @Vivaldi #automotive
Saturday March 29, 2025 at 8:00 pm
at #KoernerHall TORONTO
#Baroque superstars #LesArtsFlorissants are joined by fast-rising violinist Théotime Langlois de Swarte in Vivaldi’s “#FourSeasons” at 300, commemorating the work’s original publication in 1725. The program frames these iconic masterpieces afresh, setting them alongside music #Vivaldi would have known in Venice and compositions which were in turn inspired by his bold vision.
Heute im Lehrerzimmer ein Lenovo Yoga eingerichtet, das ein altes Smartboard speist. #Vivaldi dient als Infozentrale mit angepinnten Tabs zur Schul-Cloud & ein paar Widgets mit Wetter, Schulkalender & RSS-Feeds.
Morgens alles verkabelt & Infomail ans Kollegium. Habe zwei Feeds abonniert, Tagesschau & Spiegel. Wie ich nach 4h Unterricht zurückkomme, hat jemand beide Feeds deaktiviert und stattdessen den von #SpringerPresseHaltDieFresse abonniert.
Ich bin zu schwach für den Scheiß. Echt.
The last segment of my working life was doing technical writing for software companies in #SiliconValley. Understanding the software was easy, I had been a programmer for a long time before becoming a #techWriter.
The hard part was trying to put things into terms my audience would 'get' and I really admire people who can do that.
That’s why I devour everything @Daojoan sends out.
She got me to #Vivaldi and #Joplin and helped me see that privacy and software freedom is more than #LibreOffice and #ProtonMail.
Go read her stuff. You won’t be disappointed.
#JSBach #Concerto in A m BWV 1065 for 4 #harpsichords
#NetherlandsBachSociety #AllOfBach (April 2016)... largely based on #Vivaldi's Concerto in B m for 4 violins & orch
more videos & background material
1. SiebeHenstra : TitusCrijnen, 1992 after JohannesRuckers, 1638
2. Menno vanDelft : BruceKennedy, 1989 after MichaelMietke
3. PieterJanBelder : TitusCrijnen, 2013 after Blanchet
4. TinekeSteenbrink : LutzWerum, 2003 after JohannesRuckers
To all of you that are joining us at @Vivaldi , I would like to welcome you.
We know that many are looking for options away from Big Tech and we are happy many of you are choosing us.
We have been building browsers for a long time now. Many of us were at Opera. I co-founded Opera in 1995.
As Opera drifted in a bad direction, I co-founded Vivaldi to provide a real alternative to Big Tech and I believe we can play a very important role moving forward. Thanks for your support!
#Vivaldi #BigTech #browser #Windows #Macos #Linux #Android #ioS
Moving from Firefox to Vivaldi? It’s easier than ever. Import your browser data with just one click. 🌟
Today, #Vivaldi's 'The Four Seasons' with Kim and #Strauss' 'An Alpine Symphony' from Costa Mesa #wch
Switching from Big Tech is not always easy. You get used to their ways and they make it hard to switch.
Are you ready to make the switch?
Are you ready to help your friends make the switch?
There are alternatives. One of them is @Vivaldi, the browser company I co-founded in 2012. I invite you to join us.
#Vivaldi #BigTech #browser #Mastodon #fediverse #Windows #macos #Linux #Android #ios
Well, with all the news around Firefox lately, I thought about giving #gnome Web (#epiphany) another try. For several years now, it's one of my fallback browsers if I can't or don't want to use Firefox. But now I wanted to replicate my usual tab setup.
It didn't go so well. It already failed at getting the #KeePassXC Browser extension to work. And I don't see myself again switching between the password manager and the browser, copying usernames and passwords.
So, it's either #Zen Browser (based on Firefox) or #Vivaldi, then.
Looking to get away from Big Tech? Here are some European alternatives you should check out! 🙏
🔍 @StartpageSearch – Search engine from the Netherlands
🔍 @Qwant – Search engine from France
🔍 #Ecosia – Search engine from Germany
🔒☁️ @protonprivacy – VPN & Cloud storage from Switzerland
🔒 #OctoVPN – VPN from Norway
☁️ #Cryptee – Cloud storage, based in Estonia
☁️ #Jottacloud – Cloud storage from Norway
… And we got you covered with a browser. ❤️
Cum am ajuns pe #Mastodon?
Enervat oarecum de restricțiile impuse de #SUA asupra #UE dar și pentru că nu aș da datele mele unor mari companii americane sa le folosească in statisticile lor și bazele de date, am căutat softuri alternative.
Astăzi folosesc #Vivaldi ca browser, #Qwant sau #Ecosia ca motoare de căutare, #DeepL în loc de #GoogleTranslate și #Mistral in loc de #ChatGPT. Așa am ajuns și pe Mastodon. Toate produse în țări UE!
Vă recomand:
In this video, originally recorded as part of Spotlight 15 concert, you will hear #Vivaldi's #Concerto for bassoon in G Minor: Largo – Allegro, featuring Dominic Teresi, #bassoon
Right now, Salzenstein and Le Consort play #Gabrielli #Corelli #Vivaldi and more in #Nantes #wch
In 20 minutes, Salzenstein and Le Consort play #Gabrielli #Corelli #Vivaldi and more in #Nantes #wch
Today, Salzenstein and Le Consort play #Gabrielli #Corelli #Vivaldi and more in #Nantes #wch
We at Vivaldi are the only browser company with a Mastodon server. We have chosen to support the Fediverse in every way we can. We will continue to do so as we need options away from Big Tech.
The Sunday nighty night ear worm, planted in the noggen earlier this evening as I watched “All The President’s Men.”
#Vivaldi on school plastic instruments and digital keyboard
#SeldomSene and #MatthiasHavinga
We got together to record some Vivaldi on Thomann & Yamaha plastic #recorders...
Recorder quintet SELDOM SENE, formed in Amsterdam by StephanieBrand RuthDyson EvaLio HesterGroenleer and MaríaMartínezAyerza, musicians with a mutual passion for consort playing with a combined interest in the interpretation and performance of both early & contemporary music