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Derek Martin

@[email protected]

I'm Derek. I am a nerd. Principal Technical Program Manager, Azure Core, Global Resiliency. Toots are my opinion and don't represent my company.

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@w7voa Till the day I die, I will never stop being completely flabbergasted by how this isn’t a blow out.

@jason Waiting on final FCC certification - early adopters (post kickstarter) expected this month with general availability maybe by end of the year

@jason Yeah, I want that one so bad!

@corruptian Interesting - I was under the impression that Georgia’s government continued to press for reunification of their land. Will research more!

Curious, why didn’t Georgia (the country) move in to it’s occupied territory like the very second Ukraine moved into Russia?

@jason So this is a Team Cluster 4 blade kit by!! It’s been really fun backing them in kickstarter land, although, as I mentioned, one of my blades bit it due to a manufacturing bug that they’ve addressed. It’ll get replaced so not worried, just annoying. I’ve got that paired with a Frankenstein 45 Drives HLS15 with an AMD EPYC 32 cores with 256GB RAM and 8TB of HD :D

Working on my cluster today using my 4 node kit that I backed. Such a great set of hardware! I did encounter the voltage bug though and fried one of my CM4s but support was on it so fast! Love these guys, highly recommend.

@tchambers @[email protected] And yet…it really shouldn’t be. How this isn’t a blow out is really sad.

@ProPublica That should be a crime that lands someone in jail. One one think their overall response should land people in jail, but definitely withholding video. Those ass holes.

@tchambers @[email protected] Orders popcorn

Derek Martin boosted

"This is Putin’s war against Russia. And if he doesn’t like it, if it’s making him a little uncomfortable, then there’s an easy solution: He can just get the hell out of Ukraine and call it a day."
- White House national security spokesperson John Kirby

@IanHill @jerry Slow Children signs in Oklahoma was always too on the nose for me :)

Excellent. If that was the strategy, it's working. But I think there's even more to it here yet to be seen.

@theintercept he doesn't have an offramp that's palatable.

@tchambers @[email protected] hehe - the guy on the right doesn't seem too sure of his decision

@jason Nah, it’s stabilized cost wise for now :) Glad you’re still able to make good use of it! Just got upgraded on Saturday.

Derek Martin boosted

Wild but unsurprising stat for my neck of the . Our that we've been running for almost four years for the of the world - 90% of the registered servers are offline. Instances come and go, but that is still wild.

Derek Martin boosted
Derek Martin boosted

@theintercept This is factually inaccurate and should be corrected. Flights and banks were impacted by a 3rd party, crowdstrike, pushing a patch to their customers which caused Windows machines to blue screen. Yes, there was an Azure outage last night, but they are completely unrelated and it was certainly NOT a “worldwide outage.”

Derek Martin boosted

Pssst: influencers struggle with Mastodon because it's harder to influence people here. It's not because this place isn't neat.

Derek Martin boosted

I asked a long-time political pro if he thought the press would fall meekly in line and provide stenography for this week's kinder-and-gentler Trump, and he said of course it will.