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Derek Martin

@[email protected]
187 Posts Posts & Replies 3 Following 33 Followers Search

@VModifiedMind FFS lol - appreciate it

@danielmrose Yeah, those are pretty standard items, but unfortunately not quite what we’re looking for. Perhaps has a feature to override the .well-known endpoints? I suspect not since is ALSO a fediverse endpoint.

@danielmrose Ahhh - yes, that makes good sense. Fingers crossed they have some sort of redirect option!

@danielmrose OOOOooooo - so, funny story - Wordpress has built in mastodon compatibility now. Are you familiar with that solution and would it meet your needs?

@danielmrose By chance do you have the ability to set a DNS redirect (not a CNAME) at your domain provider?

Today, for the first time in several months, we had to upgrade the infrastructure at! (that's a good thing!) We're continuing to see small but steady growth across all of the platform ecosystems. Our endpoints include , , (compatible), , and . We're small, moderated, and you can bring your own domain (to the mastodon endpoint) for a small monthly fee. Check us out at for more!

@danielmrose - if you're interested in trying it out, I'd love to work with you on it. No charge till we get it working and that will help our future clients in similar situation! I've been looking for a volunteer to break the need for the .well-known thing for a while. Holler if you like!

@danielmrose Shouldn’t matter - as long as you have control of the domain and can set a file on /.well-known/… should be good. There’s alternatives if we need if that’s not an option, just a bit more complicated.

@danielmrose Nope, no subdomain needed, we just stick a small file in the .well-known location.

Yes, I am talking to you on Mona right now :)

No followers move supported still (sad), but we can import users via standard tools.

@danielmrose Very much so! How can I help ya?

Derek Martin boosted

Been hearing whispers all weekend, some from people who I'd *definitely* listen to, of a remote execution 0day in the Signal desktop and possibly also mobile app. Mitigation is supposedly to disable link previews (under settings->chats).

I have no more details. What I've heard doesn't completely make sense, but disabling link previews should be at worst harmless and seems prudent until this is clarified.

Sorry - I meant! (sheepish grin) - but is welcome too! :)

Sorry - I meant! (sheepish grin) - but is welcome too! :)

@VModifiedMind The Cloudflare site proxy settings were overriding the A records that we’d set, which was expected, however, we couldn’t change them because of an account issue that had to be tweaked. Not too technically interesting, but the lesson for us there was that we need additional redundancy on the upstream side of the network.

We’re back! My deepest apologies to my friends. We're looking in to what we can do better to make sure that's a smoother ride next time DNS goes sideways. resumes!

We’re continuing to reach out to Cloudflare to get an update as to what the issue is. We’d rotate off the nameservers, but they can only be changed once every 24 hours. Apologies and please do bear with us.

@meredithw An old Adobe Photoshop expression hehehe

It’s ALWAYS DNS. Standing by for the matrix to unglitch

Just an FYI, there’s a DNS propagation issue in flight for our with Please stand by while we reticulate the splines.

Whoopsie! is having a moment. Please stand by.

Derek Martin boosted

✨ Explore software versions, sort software servers by domain, mau, user and status counts

Now available!

Today is a GREAT day to not have to run your own server. You can bring your own domain to our multi-domain supported ecosystem. Come, be yourself at! Powered by The Doodle Project and the outstanding OSS @[email protected].

Earlier today, our registrar had a bit of an issue (still trying to figure out what). That took down the entire ecosystem. We’re working on increasing redundancy where we can. This happened at the registrar level, so, improvement here may take a bit.

Derek Martin boosted

If you are a Chrome user, you've probably been been opted-in to Google's enhanced tracking system without any warning.

Chrome's newest update pretends to provide users "Enhanced ad privacy", but actually enrolls Chrome users into a new trackings system.

To disable Google's "advanced" ad tracking, go to Settings>Privacy and Security>Ad Privacy and disable all three options there (Ad Topics, Site-suggested Ads, and Ad Measurement).

Edited 1y ago

All done!